ZAGG Invisible SHIELD on Oregon 400t

Finally after placing an order on the 9 Feb, today I received it in my mailbox. I had used many screen protectors before but this ZAGG came to me as a surprise how it was made and easy to handle.
The company claims the military-grade, patented film is tough it and it doesn't scratch. You can even remove countless of time and wash it. The company also provides a lifetime free replacement guarantee or 30 days money back guarantee!!

The cost of the ZAGG invisible SHIELD for Oregon screen protector is USD12.95. They have other SHIELD products for Laptops and other gadget and even a full body protection. Check ZAGG website for more information.
Below is a short video of my installation but I will not prove the "scratch" part.
Product rating: 10/10


  1. What is the purpose of pointing your camera at a bright screen in a semi-dark room and then video taping something in front of it? The screen causes the camera to adjust it's exposure downward. Your hands, gps and other items are then under-exposed.

  2. FourBeer.. sry abt that, this is the first time I am putting video on blog. I am using just a normal digital camera to record so naturally it doesn't come out clear. Will note your comment

  3. This video does help me get the idea of how the Invisible Shield applies on Garmin Oregon. Thanks!
