Ancient World Maps

Found in 1972 by Dr Harris in a Korean antique shop, it is said the map is around 2200BC and his claimed that Chinese was the first to find America. Link

Found in Shanghai a Chinese World chart made in 1418  drawn by Mo Yi Tong. Claims are still being made  on it authenticity. Link

The map was drawn in 1602 by Matteo Ricci, a pioneering Jesuit missionary at the behest of the Wanli emperor who wanted it for scholars and explorers. Link

Found in Switzerland bookshop, said to be around 15 century, still a controversy of its originality, it's called the Vinland Map. Link

Found in 1929 at Constantinople drawn on a gazelle skin, this is one of the most mysterious maps by a Turkish Admiral Piri Reis who complied from many source maps that said back dated 1000years. In 1529, he complied a world map so accurate that the whole coast line of Antarctic now covered with one mile of thick ice.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for this! I love reading about ancient Chinese artifacts.
